Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Choosing my Editing Software


The features the editing software needs to have is to be web-based, have the ability to lay multiple tracks (both audio and video), ability to strip or mute audio and natural sounds from video and the ability to collaborate with other users. So I comprised a checklist comparing the editing software. 


-Accessible from anywhere (web-based)                                    

- Ability to lay multiple tracks (both audio and video)                  

- Ability to strip or mute audio and natural sounds from video    

- Ability to collaborate with other users                                        

-Easy to use                                                                                 



-Accessible from anywhere (web-based)                                    

- Ability to strip or mute audio and natural sounds from video    

- Ability to collaborate with other users                                        

-Easy to use                                                                                 


Clip Champ

-Accessible from anywhere (web-based)                                     

- Ability to lay multiple tracks (both audio and video)                  

- Ability to strip or mute audio and natural sounds from video    

- Ability to collaborate with other users                                        

-Easy to use                                                                                


I made this video in Clip Champ, I silenced clips, added music, dialogue, cut down clips and added transitions. To silence clips I clicked the volume button, to add music I dragged and dropped sound tracks, I did the same with the dialogue. I cut down clips with the scissor tool  found at the top left over the video track, a dragged and dropped transitions in-between the clips to achieve that effect. All of this was fairly easy to use with a clear layout, and tutorials. This was a fun project to do, and I got to know a lot more about my editing software. 

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